Last week Majestic SEO posted a really cool table that you probably didn’t see unless you regularly read a lot of SEO blogs. The table is made up of the Top 200 domains ranked by referring domains. (Majestic, by the way, is one of my favorite SEO tools.)
For those of you unfamiliar with SEO fundamentals or the basics of search engine optimization, this table lists the websites from around the world that have the most unique domains linking back to their site. So, for example, let’s say your website has a two websites linking to it. One of them is and the other is That would mean your site has 2 referring domains. Not to mention a lot of work to do to get on Majestic’s next list!
For me – an Internet Marketing consultant who helps companies get more links through content strategies – here are five interesting tidbits I noticed while perusing the list:
Read moreA Few Things We All Can Learn From The Top Link Building Sites