Ready to Quit Facebook? Mark Your Calendar for May 31.

I just read Mike Melanson’s post about the surge building to get people to quit Facebook. Mike did a great job shedding light on how the distrust of Facebook’s privacy policy (haters would say the lack of a policy) is so prevalent that there’s an official movement with a website –


I’m not surprised that a site like this exists. It’s simple to put up a site to support a cause. I guess that I am struck with the mounting hatred for the world’s most popular social network. It’s getting more serious. People are putting their money where their mouth is.

Read moreReady to Quit Facebook? Mark Your Calendar for May 31.

Social Media Mistake to Avoid: Forgetting to Link

I’ve recently noticed a lot of companies making the same exact mistake in social media. They make an announcement about new content they want you to read on their website, but they forget to include a link to said content.

Look, I know no one out there is perfect when it comes to social media practices. It’s still relatively new and there is a learning curve (don’t believe anyone who tells you success on social media is instantaneous). In fact, I applaud companies for trying. But from what I’ve seen, too many companies are forgetting a basic fundamental of usability – make it easy for the user to find the content they want. The harder it is to for them to find, the less chance they will have a good experience on your website and return again.

Read moreSocial Media Mistake to Avoid: Forgetting to Link

Facebook Fan Box Will Increase Your Fan Base

Does your business have a Facebook Fan Page? If not, you should consider creating one. It’s a very valuable way to connect to your customers amongst an incredibly committed user base (more than 300 million active users and growing fast).

If you do have a Fan Page, do you promote it either on your website or blog with a Fan Box? A Fan Box is a little snippet of code that you can paste into your website or blog. Here’s an example:

A Fan Box is the perfect way to drive awareness of your Fan Page. More importantly, you will get more fans!

Read moreFacebook Fan Box Will Increase Your Fan Base